9 Mental-Health Experts on the Strategies They Use to Get Over Bad Moods

Psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists explain how they cope with emotional rough spots

Alli Hoff Kosik


Photo: Roy Hsu/Getty Images

IfIf misery loves company, here’s a reminder that should be at least a little soothing next time you find yourself in a funk: Even psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists — the people trained to help you find the good in the bad, put things in perspective, and become more resilient to setbacks — have times when they’re just stuck in an emotional low point. No one, no matter how in tune with their emotions, is immune to a bad day.

Where these mental-health experts might have a leg up from the rest of us, though, is knowing how to cope; after all, they spend much of their professional lives advising patients and clients on how to do just that. For example, Amy Cirbus, a counselor based in New York, advises paying close attention to what your mind needs, and calibrating accordingly: “There are days that I come home and I need to numb,” she says, but “on other days, the drumming of my adrenaline calls for more action if I want to unwind and let go.”

Her advice speaks to a larger truth: There is no single universal coping mechanism that’s guaranteed to solve every bad day for every person, or even every bad day for just…



Alli Hoff Kosik

Alli Hoff Kosik is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, NY. A voracious reader, she channeled her love of books into launching The SSR Podcast in June 2018.