Can Technology Make You a Better Meditator?

Welcome to the new world of brain-sensing and brain-training devices

Jenni Gritters
Published in
10 min readSep 26, 2019


Chris Aimone and Ariel Garten, cofounders of InteraXon, are sitting down in seated positions wearing the Muse headband.
Chris Aimone (left) and Ariel Garten, cofounders of InteraXon, developed the Muse headband designed to help you meditate. Photo: Melissa Renwick/Toronto Star/Getty

IIt’s 4 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon and I’m sitting on the couch, surrounded by the noises of a virtual rainstorm. I’m wearing a metallic headband that loops behind my ears and across my forehead, stuck tight to my skin with suction. As I sit still, the headband hums slightly…



Jenni Gritters

I’m a writer and business coach for freelance creatives based in Central Oregon. I write about the psychology of small business ownership.