For the Immunocompromised, Omicron Presents a Particularly Alarming Threat

I know because I’m one of them

Jon Gluck
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2022


Photo: Justin Paget / Getty Images

I wrote an Op-Ed for the Washington Post yesterday about an issue that’s personally important to me: how the Omicron Covid variant is posing a unique threat to immunocompromised people (I’m a cancer patient). I’m sharing it here because I’d like it to be seen by as many people as possible.

The gist of the story is this: Even as Omicron drives infection totals to new highs, we are collectively growing tired of following basic safety measures like wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and getting vaccinated. That’s understandable enough; we’re all sick and tired of taking those precautions (and of the pandemic in general), and for healthy people who are fully vaccinated, the risk of serious illness seems a lot less scary than it once did. The trouble with that line of thinking is that it leaves out immunocompromised people and other vulnerable groups. For us, the burgeoning Covid complacency is downright dangerous. To stay safe, we still need everyone’s help.

Note that the full Washington Post story is paywalled. The bad news is, there’s no good way around that. The good news is, the Post is well worth the subscription, and you’ll be supporting quality journalism, and the principle of sharing ideas, along the way.

What could be more Medium than that? (I work here, and those values mean a lot to me.)

I’d be grateful if you’d read the story, and even more appreciative if you’d share it. My hope is it will encourage people to take the necessary steps to protect both themselves and others.




Published in Elemental

Elemental is a former publication from Medium for science-backed health and wellness coverage. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Jon Gluck
Jon Gluck

Written by Jon Gluck

Jon Gluck is the former Editorial Director of Special Projects at Medium. He has also held senior editorial positions at New York Magazine, Vogue, and Hearst.

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