I’m Young and Healthy and Also Have Gout

I’ve had enough of the stigma associated with my disease. It’s bad enough that it feels like my foot is on fire.

Sam Blum


Illustration: James Daw

ItIt started as a barely detectable soreness. After a Brazilian jiu-jitsu class in April 2018, I felt a nagging stiffness in my left big toe. This is normal after 90 minutes of grappling with other sweaty dudes, so I naturally brushed off the pain as standard bodily wear and tear.

Except it wasn’t.

If the faint soreness was the gentle crackle of a fireplace, then the pain soon gave way to a giant wildfire sparked by kerosene and napalm. A few hours after getting home, the rhythmic throbbing in my toe was too intense to sleep. Putting on a sock was suddenly an agonizing task. Walking to the bathroom was out of the question.

Bereft of solutions in the early hours of the morning, I called my mom. Owing to her perceptiveness, she took a guess as to what was ailing me: “Maybe you have gout?” she said.

Sporting zombie eyes and a grimace the next day, I took a Lyft two blocks to the podiatrist’s office, where I received a fistful of medication to quell the attack and a blunt reality check. Mom was right; I had gout.

Even for a former college athlete and…



Sam Blum

Writer and features reporter with work in Rolling Stone, The BBC, GQ, Popular Mechanics, Vox and other outlets.