What Pregnant People Need to Know About Coronavirus

An OB-GYN summarizes the coronavirus advice for pregnant and nursing parents

Dr Jeff Livingston


Photo: Ian Waldie/Getty Images

MMillions of pregnant women are worried and trying to understand what to do. They want to protect their babies and find out if they are at risk.

General Covid-19 information

The coronavirus is a new virus. The human race has never been exposed. We have no baseline immunity or protective antibodies. We do not have a vaccine, and there is no effective medication to treat it. We are all susceptible to becoming sick with Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.

Covid-19 is spread through person-to-person contact via respiratory droplets. Droplets spread through coughing, sneezing, and breathing. Particles get on our clothes and hands. We then pass the virus through handshakes, hugging, kissing, and other close human contacts.

Because the coronavirus is a brand-new virus, we have minimal scientifically validated information.

Labor and delivery units across the country are moving at lightning speed to ensure a safe environment for childbirth.

Current information on…



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