7 Surprising Breathing Exercises to Instantly Reduce Stress
Conscious breathing, cellular breathing, and other easy techniques to feel calmer
Air is vital to our survival. But when we find ourselves facing extraordinary levels of stress, as is today’s daily norm, it can be difficult to catch our breath.
Stress can feel suffocating. And eight months into this so-called new normal, individuals and communities are inevitably struggling to hold on to air. A recent poll by the American Psychological Association shows that more than a third of Americans (36%) say the pandemic is having a serious impact on their mental health. Nearly 60% say it is seriously affecting their day-to-day lives and negatively affecting their finances. And two-thirds fear that the confluence of related pandemic and social issues will have long-term consequences for the economy.
A review of the psychological effects of quarantine and studies on disaster mental health confirm these self-reports. Common symptoms include anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, fear, confusion, anger, frustration, boredom, and stigma — some of which often continue post-quarantine. Further studies show how unhealthy behaviors, such as excessive alcohol and substance abuse, risk-taking, and suicide tend to skyrocket following major traumatic…