Election Stress Relief

A 2-Minute Relaxation for Your Chest

Try our body scan to find a moment of calm — right now

Liza Colpa
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2020


Animation: Yana Pan

As we approach Election Day, Elemental is bringing you a progressive body scan for stress relief (also known as progressive muscle relaxation therapy; read more about the science behind it here). Each day, you’ll focus on and relax one part of your body to find a moment of presence and calm. Today, we dial in to the chest. Find earlier installments here (for the feet), here (for the legs and lower back), and here (for the core).


Take a nice big inhale… and a long exhale.

Let go of thoughts that may have triggered tension in your chest.

Feel your chest expanding and softening with every breath you take.

Let go.

Breathe naturally, and notice the gift and power of your breath without criticism or judgment.

Without forcing it to perform in any way.

Just let the breath dance naturally in your lungs, as you breathe in… and breathe out.

Bring awareness to your collarbone, your chest, and your upper back.



Liza Colpa

New York-based Yoga + Meditation Teacher. www.lizacolpa.com, Instagram: @lizacolpa, YouTube: Liza Colpa, Insight Timer Meditation App: Liza Colpa