One Covid-19 Doctor’s Personal Wellness To-Do List

Care for body, soul, and spirit go a long way right now

Rupa Marya, MD


Nurse Cho Lee prepares to enter a patient’s room on the Covid-19 floor at Saint Francis Hospital in San Francisco, California, on April 6, 2020. Photo: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images

I’I’m a University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) physician working in the hospital on the front lines of Covid-19 response in San Francisco, who also happens to be married to a regenerative organic farmer with two sons living in Ohlone Territory. A lot of people have asked me what I do to stay healthy, so I created a list in the hope that others might find it useful.

Sing out loud! It expands lung capacity and the stimulation of the vagal nerve can calm your body’s overdrive from stress.

The following recommendations as to how best to support your health in pandemic times are my own — derived from a combination of common sense, evidence-based medicine, and traditional indigenous knowledge. I don’t share these recommendations believing they can prevent the coronavirus. But they can, in my opinion, help boost individual immunity and help us learn and grow in a difficult time.

